

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Reintroduction.

HJ Here,

     I had a previous blog with about 1800+ hits, (Im not really too sure if that is good number or not in the blogging world?) but I'm walking into a BRAND NEW SEASON, so I thought, this calls for a fresh blog. A blog on who I am now, what I'm doing now in my life and career these days, etc. 
     As most of you know I was 1/3 of the group SECOND. Well, due to artistic and theological differences I am (have been for about 4 months now) a solo artist. See what I mean about new seasons! Oh, it by no means is a sad occasion, rejoice for me! God has grown me a lot through it, opened up amazing opportunities for me and my music career, and taught me about who I am as an individual. Its hard to find yourself in a group surrounded by grown, head strong men. I will always love Archie and Wretch as my brothers in Christ, but believe me when I say this is for the absolute best!! More about my growing career and other surprises in another post ;) That subject would take too much space, and this is just the reintroduction of me!

    I keep getting a few complaints from close friends and fans (not to say fans aren't my friends by any means) that I am terrible about keeping up on where I am. Also, I believe that in ministry, to a certain extent, there needs to be a connection between the one ministering and who it is you're ministering to. So In this new blog titled: Just Jane, Im going to do just that. I don't want to be too far off that Im just that white girl you hear rapping 16 bars and then know nothing about. I want to be a "real person" to people I love, and people that love me. <3 
So keep up with me on my journey, where I go, what I do, what it is I'm learning. What God is teaching me about myself and life in general. 

Too much love, 


**To check out my previous blog that I mentioned you can visit http://hjletsgo.blogspot.com.

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