

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It doesn't happen MAGICALLY!

     One of the things I feel like I never truly grasped until recently is the.. ready for the cliche quote... power of prayer. Then I stop to think- it's probably only "cliche" because whomever is reading it hasn't really grasped that power. If you did, you would certainly feel a little different towards prayer. Something would resonate inside, a little spark would go off, like when two dudes pass each other with the same team jersey on- There's a little smirk, maybe a head nod, they both know whats up. Yes, a very minuscule example compared to how deeply we should feel when prayer is mentioned. 

    I just want to paint a picture that might help with the way you view prayer. But of course, I can't change your heart, only prayer can do that. Hey! That's where the beauty of prayer starts to shine...

     I always assumed as a Christian that once you declared your love for Jesus and started to live your life for Him refinement would come like magic. Maybe if we just go through our daily grind kind of saying "whats up" to Jesus in the morning, grace over our food, attend service, and read our bible every now again we magically start to be molded into the image of Christ. Then 4 years go by and I feel like I'm way behind where I should be. I'm actually at that point falling backwards. "But WHAT?!? I love Jesus, and its been forever, I don't understand why I'm not a mighty woman of God? I've even gone to a school of ministry and theological studies?!" Is something I would continuously say to myself. 
Then I move to Chicago and begin to live with my new pastor and his wife and He says- "Okay, here is the deal: We wake up in the morning and we don't look at our phones, we don't check our twitters, we pray. Take an hour and pray and worship God." (talk about discipleship)  Ooooh I had to discipline myself. I was NOT use to so much dedication time and prayer. Slowly, then suddenly, I found my relationship with and desire for Christ becoming much deeper and stronger. An hour turned into two, two into three. (throughout the day, not all at once, seeing as I do nothing but stay home all day.) Then I'm hungry, listening to sermons and reading Christ centered books. I notice as my desire for Christ is rising, I'm praying to become more like Him, and He's changing me. 
    Fast forward three months and I'd say Ive grown more in Christ-like character and in Love with Jesus in this short time than I have the past 4 and a half years. My desires are different, my speech, my heart, and something people rarely address- my thought life has changed drastically. This is not to glorify me at all!  I'm nothing, I'm still a bogus little girl who needs so much work, this is to solely point towards what prayer is capable of. What Christ is capable of. 

   I see now that becoming more like Christ isn't magic, and it surely doesn't happen over night- I'm nowhere close to who I want to be as a woman of God- It takes tears and toiling, seeking God and wisdom like silver,  (Proverbs 2:4) and being broken over your sins, outwardly and inwardly. (Psalm 51, Matthew 5:3-6) I'll admit sometimes you just don't want to wake up and seek the Lord, or stop dead in your tracks throughout the day and seek the Lord, ".. the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) It hurts to be cut and molded at a soul and heart level. Sometimes it gets discouraging as you start to notice your sin more and more. You see it more clearly than ever before as your spirit becomes further aware through prayer. But it is the most glorious and beautiful thing to fall deeper in love with Christ and witness yourself becoming more like your Savior. 

I understand its not "magic" anymore, its dedication and toiling through prayer that matures me as a Christian! 

Yes, Discipleship is a MUST and the Scripture tells us by the "washing of the word" our minds are renewed- but you can read and spend time being discipled all day long and not have a deep relationship with Your creator. And within that relationship is where He makes us more like Him! 

If we all just realized the vitality of prayer, us Christians could do so much damage for the Kingdom! We would all be maturing in Christ, our Characters would be more stable and Christ-like. We would be filled with so much boldness that people would be getting saved double-time... oh Lord, lemme save that for another blog.

Too much love,
  • "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled."
  • - Matthew 5:6
  • "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." -Colossians 4:2
  • "Pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  • "But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul." -Deuteronomy 4:29

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