

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Gospel is not about what you think..

    The best gift of the Gospel is not the forgiveness of sins, or salvation. The best gift of the Gospel is not eternity. The Best gift of the gospel is seeing and savoring the supremacy of Christ! Everything else is a means to that end. Everything else is an arrow pointing to this truth. Without the forgiveness of sins we would not be able, with our dimmed eyes and heartened, wicked hearts, to begin to understand and explore the Supremacy of Christ. Without a promised eternity we would not have the ample time to continue exploring the bottomless depths of His Supremacy. The gift of the Gospel is being able to see God is Supreme over all, and worshipping Him for that. <3

And this video with that said, this John Piper video explaining the supremacy of Christ will be the best thing you watch all year...


Monday, May 13, 2013

Confidence in Prayer

 When Christ commands us to pray, beckons us to pray, strengthens us to pray, He really does intend to meet our needs and desires. Yes, even our desires, what we want.

 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." -Matthew 7:7-8

   The sad thing is we tend to read scriptures out of context and not read the bible as a whole vessel and truth. This is not a magic formula to get what ever we want from Daddy, this is a promise for the Righteous. He is speaking this to Christians -and despite this western cultured religion we have "made" of Christianity- Christ is speaking about a people who are drenched in God, living and serving Him. This is where the confidence in prayer comes from. 

"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
"May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!" Psalm 20:4

    God has no issue in giving Christians the desires of their heart because of the first part of that scripture- "Delight yourself in the Lord." This articulates that the person praying is so close to God their heart is on one-accord with His. When we are so intertwined with God there is an alignment that happens with our hearts and spirits; we desire what He desires for us and want what he wants for us. His will is our Will. Then, when we pray it's like we're praying with His heart. He is really only doing and giving us what He already wants to do and give. "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us." -1 John: 5:14
   When we are flippantly praying out of selfish ambition and our heart is not aligned with Christ's, we shouldn't expect a thing.  "You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." James 4:3  
   There is no doubt you will know when your heart is aligned with the Lord's. Ummm.. it's somewhat similar to you and your friend/lover being able to 'talk with your eyes' from across the room. Me and my best friend, Lacey, can have whole conversations as we put it. You just have that chemistry and know them well enough to do so. Spend time seeking God, praying, reading His truths, and building a relationship with Him that grows deeper each day! There will definitely be a sort of confidence that comes about your prayers and petitions that you have never experienced when you feel so close to the Source.  

  Disclaimer: We are HUMAN! We are faulty! Also, if we could know the heart and mind of God 100% of the time He would cease to be God, Creator of the Heavens and Earth. Which is why Jesus teaches us to pray "Your will be done." Which in short says, "God, I'm pretty sure this is what you want for me too but please do what you see fit. Even if that means your answer for my prayer is either 'no' or 'not now' because You are most wise." (Not that He needs our permission, this simply displays respect, trust, and submission to The King.) This is another dynamic our hearts should have towards prayer.   

1.) One accord produces confidence
2.) Have trust & an open hand

Too Much Love,
HJ                                                                                                                              Facebook & Twitter