

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Gospel is not about what you think..

    The best gift of the Gospel is not the forgiveness of sins, or salvation. The best gift of the Gospel is not eternity. The Best gift of the gospel is seeing and savoring the supremacy of Christ! Everything else is a means to that end. Everything else is an arrow pointing to this truth. Without the forgiveness of sins we would not be able, with our dimmed eyes and heartened, wicked hearts, to begin to understand and explore the Supremacy of Christ. Without a promised eternity we would not have the ample time to continue exploring the bottomless depths of His Supremacy. The gift of the Gospel is being able to see God is Supreme over all, and worshipping Him for that. <3

And this video with that said, this John Piper video explaining the supremacy of Christ will be the best thing you watch all year...


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