

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chicago: who what when where and why.

     So many people have been asking me about my recent time in Chicago. Why is it Im moving and what my plans are. For those outside of Houston, the first thing to know is that the Houston Christian Hip Hop community is very large and involved with one another; a person moving is like losing a team member. Well this team member wants to assure her team mates that this is totally a Jesus thing, and that we're definitely still on the same team, with the same mission! Christ is moving me into a new season of flourishing/maturing in Him and serving Him, with Chicago on the agenda... 
     I had been praying for a new, biblical, Jesus centered Church home for a while.. Then BOOM! one find me! World Renegade is a rather new, year old church of young adults with their hearts on fire for the mission of Christ! Biblical community is definitely something this church (meaning the body of believers, not the building itself) has down, and is continuously growing in. True discipleship is at the forefront of this group of believer's agenda. 
     To add a completely perfect twist, WR is a very "artsy" group of young men and women. Everyone in some way has an amazing artsy talent. Rapping, singing, deejaying, filming, editing, media, production, dancing, etc. Which they plan on capitalizing their talent for outreach and discipleship making. Not only do I fit in perfect in that way, but the Lord has opened the hearts of the people there, and mine, to just genuinely love one another in such a short time. Starting over email and voxing until they were throwing me a surprise welcome party! 
     I visited for a week to further acquire confirmation from the Lord that this is what He desires for this next season of my life. Through much prayer and seeking the Lord over a period of 3 months, me, the pastor, Adriel Cruz, and his lovely wife, Vanessa Cruz, are at peace that this is what the Lord wills for my life. Why He felt I needed to go across the country, well, He is a mysterious God. All I know is I feel more at home and at peace in Chicago then anywhere I have been or visited. Jesus knew what He was doing with this one!
     Lastly, the least of the reasons, more like a bonus, is I have different opportunities to do some music in Chicago, to further grow as an artist and make music for His name's sake. So soon enough, as the Lord's timing unfolds, music is something I will also be working on in Chi-town as well.

     Again, friends and those I consider family in Houston, Jesus' plans are perfect when you seek His will and know exactly what they are for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) Please pray with me as I make such a drastic change. Pray for growth and not my will but His to be done! I'll be back for visits and you can always keep up with me on Facebook! ;) Facebook.com/itshillaryjane

I love ya'll,

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