

Monday, September 30, 2013

'Leaf' it up to God.

    I remember being a dirty-faced eight year old little girl filling a bucket of cherries from the cherry tree growing in the open field across from my father's house. The cherries were so good I just couldn't help but to indulge, covering myself in stains that seemed like blood around my lips and all over my summer clothes. I would climb up to the top imagining myself being far more adventurous than I really was, breaking multiple limbs, or dragon necks, along the way. I could care less about the tree I just wanted the mystical princess treasure- the sweet fruit.
    To this day I imagine myself far more adventurous than I actually am. And I still could care less about the tree, I just want the fruit. What kind of cherries, or apples, or mangos, or bananas would there be if there was no tree? There wouldn't be. When a farmer goes to grow the apple tree, he doesn't water and prune the apple itself, he nurtures the tree.
    We want the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, but we're focusing too intently on the fruit itself instead of the One who produces it. We need a source, we need the tree, or in this case, we need the Spirit. We can't conjure up fruit out of thin air, unless we want it to be synthetic and fake. It might taste for a moment like the real thing, but with time it will leave a bad flavor on your tongue and for all who taste it.
    Changing our hearts is the Holy Spirit's job. We can never be our own Savior. All we can do is keep our eyes soberly focused on the One who redeems, falling deeper in love with Him, praying He sanctifies us to become more like Himself. When we take time to properly nurture or relationship with Christ, the fruit will bloom as it should. As it's promised. Then we will be like dirty-faced eight year olds, wearing the proof that the tree exists and the fruit is sweet all over our faces for everyone to see.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Stop The Traffic

     Have you ever seen a human being sold on a shelf at Walmart? No? You probably never will either, but does that mean humans aren't for sale? Or does that just mean they are allusively being sold right under our noses...
    Did you know the average age of entry into prostitution for a child victim in the United States is 13-14 years old? Kids are neglected or run away from home, alone and vulnerable they are scooped up by a pimp claiming to want to help. Next thing you know they are being abused in more ways than one, forced to sell their bodies for money. One out of every three of these teens on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home. Ridiculous.
To make a slight shift in conversation, you'd have to be blind not to see that Hip Hop is one of the biggest influential genres of music we have in this entire world. It's enjoyed in every country by all sorts of people with many different backgrounds. Anyone can see plainly the affect Hip Hop has on a vast range of listeners. So what would happen if we mixed the two? You know, Hip Hop and Human Trafficking. What if there was hip hop that spoke on the topic of human trafficking, people would be sure to listen, right? Okay so we have the "awareness" portion down, but what about the social action? What if this CD dedicated to the haunting topic gave all of its proceeds towards helping END this slavery and give hope?
    King Kulture is the name of the album that will do just that! Embodying both awareness and action, Rapzilla.com put together a collaboration of the hottest artists for a memorable album that will be sure to pierce hearts, bump hard in speakers, and raise money for 'New York City Urban Project' (NYCUP) in aiding the fight against Human Trafficking. (To learn more about NYCUP check out this video.)

    I am especially excited to be one of the the many artist on this project helping to make a change! You can be apart now by preordering the CD from iTunes and grabbing the KK Merchandise which proceeds will fight human trafficking, transform lives, and push towards reconciling them to God. Humans are not for sale!

Lets do this!


"Not For Sale"
Thank you toMarkkinho for the song video.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Gospel is not about what you think..

    The best gift of the Gospel is not the forgiveness of sins, or salvation. The best gift of the Gospel is not eternity. The Best gift of the gospel is seeing and savoring the supremacy of Christ! Everything else is a means to that end. Everything else is an arrow pointing to this truth. Without the forgiveness of sins we would not be able, with our dimmed eyes and heartened, wicked hearts, to begin to understand and explore the Supremacy of Christ. Without a promised eternity we would not have the ample time to continue exploring the bottomless depths of His Supremacy. The gift of the Gospel is being able to see God is Supreme over all, and worshipping Him for that. <3

And this video with that said, this John Piper video explaining the supremacy of Christ will be the best thing you watch all year...


Monday, May 13, 2013

Confidence in Prayer

 When Christ commands us to pray, beckons us to pray, strengthens us to pray, He really does intend to meet our needs and desires. Yes, even our desires, what we want.

 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." -Matthew 7:7-8

   The sad thing is we tend to read scriptures out of context and not read the bible as a whole vessel and truth. This is not a magic formula to get what ever we want from Daddy, this is a promise for the Righteous. He is speaking this to Christians -and despite this western cultured religion we have "made" of Christianity- Christ is speaking about a people who are drenched in God, living and serving Him. This is where the confidence in prayer comes from. 

"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
"May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!" Psalm 20:4

    God has no issue in giving Christians the desires of their heart because of the first part of that scripture- "Delight yourself in the Lord." This articulates that the person praying is so close to God their heart is on one-accord with His. When we are so intertwined with God there is an alignment that happens with our hearts and spirits; we desire what He desires for us and want what he wants for us. His will is our Will. Then, when we pray it's like we're praying with His heart. He is really only doing and giving us what He already wants to do and give. "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us." -1 John: 5:14
   When we are flippantly praying out of selfish ambition and our heart is not aligned with Christ's, we shouldn't expect a thing.  "You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." James 4:3  
   There is no doubt you will know when your heart is aligned with the Lord's. Ummm.. it's somewhat similar to you and your friend/lover being able to 'talk with your eyes' from across the room. Me and my best friend, Lacey, can have whole conversations as we put it. You just have that chemistry and know them well enough to do so. Spend time seeking God, praying, reading His truths, and building a relationship with Him that grows deeper each day! There will definitely be a sort of confidence that comes about your prayers and petitions that you have never experienced when you feel so close to the Source.  

  Disclaimer: We are HUMAN! We are faulty! Also, if we could know the heart and mind of God 100% of the time He would cease to be God, Creator of the Heavens and Earth. Which is why Jesus teaches us to pray "Your will be done." Which in short says, "God, I'm pretty sure this is what you want for me too but please do what you see fit. Even if that means your answer for my prayer is either 'no' or 'not now' because You are most wise." (Not that He needs our permission, this simply displays respect, trust, and submission to The King.) This is another dynamic our hearts should have towards prayer.   

1.) One accord produces confidence
2.) Have trust & an open hand

Too Much Love,
HJ                                                                                                                              Facebook & Twitter

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It doesn't happen MAGICALLY!

     One of the things I feel like I never truly grasped until recently is the.. ready for the cliche quote... power of prayer. Then I stop to think- it's probably only "cliche" because whomever is reading it hasn't really grasped that power. If you did, you would certainly feel a little different towards prayer. Something would resonate inside, a little spark would go off, like when two dudes pass each other with the same team jersey on- There's a little smirk, maybe a head nod, they both know whats up. Yes, a very minuscule example compared to how deeply we should feel when prayer is mentioned. 

    I just want to paint a picture that might help with the way you view prayer. But of course, I can't change your heart, only prayer can do that. Hey! That's where the beauty of prayer starts to shine...

     I always assumed as a Christian that once you declared your love for Jesus and started to live your life for Him refinement would come like magic. Maybe if we just go through our daily grind kind of saying "whats up" to Jesus in the morning, grace over our food, attend service, and read our bible every now again we magically start to be molded into the image of Christ. Then 4 years go by and I feel like I'm way behind where I should be. I'm actually at that point falling backwards. "But WHAT?!? I love Jesus, and its been forever, I don't understand why I'm not a mighty woman of God? I've even gone to a school of ministry and theological studies?!" Is something I would continuously say to myself. 
Then I move to Chicago and begin to live with my new pastor and his wife and He says- "Okay, here is the deal: We wake up in the morning and we don't look at our phones, we don't check our twitters, we pray. Take an hour and pray and worship God." (talk about discipleship)  Ooooh I had to discipline myself. I was NOT use to so much dedication time and prayer. Slowly, then suddenly, I found my relationship with and desire for Christ becoming much deeper and stronger. An hour turned into two, two into three. (throughout the day, not all at once, seeing as I do nothing but stay home all day.) Then I'm hungry, listening to sermons and reading Christ centered books. I notice as my desire for Christ is rising, I'm praying to become more like Him, and He's changing me. 
    Fast forward three months and I'd say Ive grown more in Christ-like character and in Love with Jesus in this short time than I have the past 4 and a half years. My desires are different, my speech, my heart, and something people rarely address- my thought life has changed drastically. This is not to glorify me at all!  I'm nothing, I'm still a bogus little girl who needs so much work, this is to solely point towards what prayer is capable of. What Christ is capable of. 

   I see now that becoming more like Christ isn't magic, and it surely doesn't happen over night- I'm nowhere close to who I want to be as a woman of God- It takes tears and toiling, seeking God and wisdom like silver,  (Proverbs 2:4) and being broken over your sins, outwardly and inwardly. (Psalm 51, Matthew 5:3-6) I'll admit sometimes you just don't want to wake up and seek the Lord, or stop dead in your tracks throughout the day and seek the Lord, ".. the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) It hurts to be cut and molded at a soul and heart level. Sometimes it gets discouraging as you start to notice your sin more and more. You see it more clearly than ever before as your spirit becomes further aware through prayer. But it is the most glorious and beautiful thing to fall deeper in love with Christ and witness yourself becoming more like your Savior. 

I understand its not "magic" anymore, its dedication and toiling through prayer that matures me as a Christian! 

Yes, Discipleship is a MUST and the Scripture tells us by the "washing of the word" our minds are renewed- but you can read and spend time being discipled all day long and not have a deep relationship with Your creator. And within that relationship is where He makes us more like Him! 

If we all just realized the vitality of prayer, us Christians could do so much damage for the Kingdom! We would all be maturing in Christ, our Characters would be more stable and Christ-like. We would be filled with so much boldness that people would be getting saved double-time... oh Lord, lemme save that for another blog.

Too much love,
  • "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled."
  • - Matthew 5:6
  • "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." -Colossians 4:2
  • "Pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  • "But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul." -Deuteronomy 4:29

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Order In The Court! Only God Can Judge Me.

   Everyone knows those famous tattoos with the praying hands wrapped in a beaded rosary, written beneath in a edgy font: "Only God Can Judge Me." We see them everywhere, someone in your family probably has one they're so common. Then we get the Christians that love to point out how that isn't true at all.. but is it? Yes and No is the quick answer. It really depends on how you're defining the word 'judge', to whom it is you're 'judging', and why it is you're 'judging' this person. (Christians, and Non believers alike can equally benefit from and enjoy this.) Lets break in down Barney style real quick:

    Matthew 7:1-5 Clearly states not to judge. (Im guessing this is where the tattoo idea sprouted from?) But to get a clear picture, you have to read scripture in context. You can never take a verse, define it yourself, and try to make it truth. Because if you read on to verse 6, Jesus is commanding the disciples to make a judgement on who could be 'pigs' or 'dogs.'
“Judge not, that you be not judged. (vs 1) “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you."(vs 6)

       Again in Scripture, we see Paul the Apostle making a judgment in 1 Corinthians 5:11: 

"But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one"

    Paul is speaking of a proclaiming Christian man who is sleeping with his father's wife, with no intention of stopping, here in chapter 5. He even goes as far to reprimand the church of Corinth for not making a judgment against this unrepentant Christian in 5:5-8. This whole chapter, especially verse 12, shows us of WHOM he is speaking of judging, a proclaiming Christian.  "For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?"

    This parallels Jesus' statement in Matthew 7:6. Jesus, and even Paul the Apostle, are calling us to make a righteous judgement that correlates with the standard of Christ and His Word. They are calling Christians to make a righteous judgement against Christians. For more scriptural backing- Matthew 7:15-18 talks about "false prophets," those are self-proclaiming christians, not non-believers. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them." We can judge the genuineness of these "trees." All believing and proclaiming Christians are submitting themselves under the standards of God, of Christ. (This "standard" was stated during the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5-7.) We are to judge these trees based off their fruits according to this Standard.
    Now look closely, we're almost done here. Every Christian has the right to discern another Christian's "fruit" or spirit, however, condemning on the basis of self-righteousness is something Jesus cautions us of  in Matthew 2:1-3:  “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? We are to be the hands and feet of Christ in humility, grace, perspective, and mercy.

    But how can we pass judgement on a non-believer who has not submitted themselves under this same standard? (Not to say there is exemption from obeying and submitting to Christ, non-believers will be judged under the law, but that is for another blog one day.) When we try to, this is where conversion to moralism is achieved and not a genuine love and fear of the Lord.
    Are we called to testify to non-believers about the goodness of Christ and the Hope in Him while also bidding them to die to their flesh and sins? Yes! But where in that is judging? The difference between Proclaiming and Judging is the heart behind it- when it comes to the non-believers. Again I say, we are to be the hands and feet of Christ in humility, grace, perspective, and mercy. Presenting a knowledge of sin and of the Redeemer from it. Never condemning. 

I really hope this clears up the different in judging and condemning- and who, why, and how, we are to "judge." The Kingdom is at hand we don't have time to get wrapped up in silly quarrels, walk around with bitterness from giving or receiving condemnation. I'll leave you with one last scripture of encouragement- 
"Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tonguesdeceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:26-27

Too much love,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Whatever You Do...

     For about two months now one of the things Ive been praying consistently is for opportunity to serve God. I moved here from Texas where I was a "worship leader", an intern in a school of ministry, learning and ministering constantly. I was a leader in a youth group, I had shows (musical) every single weekend and outreaches. I was constantly busy and serving. So when I moved to Chicago I pretty much started from the bottom. (no pun intended) 
    I have no friends, I have no shows, Im not in school, and whatever else is exceedingly different about my life here in Chicago. Because of such the turn my life took I started off really frustrated, in tears, praying to God to give me an opportunity to serve and glorify Him. "Anything, anywhere, I'll take anything!!" I'd cry out hating my down time.

    Ive recently been reading the book The Pursuit of God by AW Towzer -Wow! What a gem! You should really check it out!- And upon reading the last chapter, always so bitter sweet, The Lord really altered my heart and mind on this distressful matter. I was dividing my life into secular and Spiritual portions not understanding that I can glorify God, even in the seemingly small acts, throughout my everyday life.

In the Old Testament God set up sacred days, and times, clothes, foods, dates, and places. He needed to teach the people that He alone was holy and to be praised. That the people were to fear and reverence Him! But when Jesus died on the cross as our atonement, the veil of the temple was torn top to bottom, representing the divide between us and the holiness of God, open freely to all. (Matthew 27:51)  Inviting and commanding us to worship in "Spirit and in truth" (John 4:21, 23, 24) Now there is no divide in holy days and times, clothes, acts, and places. For example, the building is no longer the church, but the believer itself is the church. There are no holy clothes to wear, or a certain place where we should pray, a certain food we should eat on a certain day. We just LIVE as an act of holy worship. As long as my heart is in the right place, anything can be worship to God.
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" 
1 Corinthians 10:31 

   Do I still want to serve my local church, evangelize in the streets and at shows, use my gifts to worship the Lord? Very much so! But upon realizing all I just told you, I am a bit more satisfied knowing just because Im not doing all those things every week like I want to be, just because the Lord has me in a season of stillness, doesn't mean I am not glorifying God at all. I can glorify Him by cleaning up the house, cooking my godparents dinner, or just reading a book, when my heart is bent to glorify God. And for you, just going to work as a laborer, a lawyer, or a check-out boy, can all serve and glorify Christ although you may FEEL other wise. Also, all the other seemingly small things. Keyword: seemingly.

   Through much prayer and renewing of our minds we need that secular/Spiritual divide to be taken down in our lives. And Im not talking about the dualistic "integrity" of being a Christian and living like one that we think of, and most refer to, when talking about a secular/spiritual divide. Look at Jesus -the perfect example- everything He did was unto His Father. His mind wasn't only on glorifying just when He was healing or praying, but always. There was no divide in His heart depending on the act or motion. And it starts when the eye of our heart, our affection, is fully turned towards God.

**DISCLAIMER: Yes, ALL can be done to the Glory of God, but not all things are equal. Evangelizing will do more damage for the Kingdom than planting a garden will, although both are equally pleasing to God with the right heart. This in no way exempts Christian from going out and being the hands and feet of Christ. It just breaks the divide between the Spiritual and secular living. Our lives, as Christians, should not be so easily divided, EVERYTHING should be done in Spiritual awareness to the Glory of God. 

Too much love,

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Aint Just For Your Coffee Mug!


    When I try to tell a complete stranger about Christ I feel like a mumbling idiot; I'm almost positive I definitely look like one too. I know how good He is in my heart, why I adore and worship Him, but for some reason it's extremely hard or me to articulate. For example, I saw this girl while walking outside a gas station one summer morning. She was screaming obscenities into her phone, false eyelashes drooping off due to the tear overload, while pacing back and forth. (I seem to favor these kind of situation of distress for sharing Christ, not sure why?) Of course I ventured into closer proximities to listen in on her conversation, while trying to maintain the look of an innocent bystander. I felt an urgency: go give her Hope. What the heck? Where would I even start? "Um, Hi, Im HJ and I see you're having a rather rough day. I know this seems random, but I wanted to just relate with you in hope of telling you about The Savior", I go over in my head. That sounds so stupid, she'll cuss me our for sure...
   I bee-lined straight for this tear-drenched, heart broken young lady. "Okay, maybe she'll respond better to some kindness," I thought to myself. So I offered to buy her a water. My palms were extremely sweaty and my heart must have been visibly beating against my t-shirt. "Lord, give me words," I muttered under my breath. Long story short- we spent two hours talking about her situation, stuttering, I told her about peace in Christ. I exchanged my number and invited her to church the next night. Sadly, she never showed and I haven't heard from Mookie till this day. But that memory crossed my mind as I was reading Matthew 11:28-30 (ESV) today.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

   With the help of A.W. Tozer, and the Holy Spirit, Now I have a brighter understanding of what this portion of scripture really means. This "labor" Jesus is speaking of is not a physical load, but an inner-dwelling weight. The burdens of pride, artificiality, and even pretense are killers. They weigh on human hearts like a ton of bricks. Keeping up with them daily, even momentarily, causes much distress at a soul level. Christ came to release troubles, to free us from the weight of these sins. The good news is we don't have to walk in them, there is a Saviour.
   When we are finding ourselves in Him, in His "gentle and lowly heart", (meekness, as the King James Version states) there we are free. The "rest" He promises us is FREEDOM! Freedom from our sin, and from ourselves. Now I see why this awesome verse is on so many coffee mugs and bible covers ;) 
   This is what I knew in my heart that day, the reason why I love Jesus, and trust in Him. The reason why I even wanted to approach her at that awkward gas station to begin with. I just didn't know how to articulate it. If I would of known the depth of this passage that one summer morning, and the other times Ive tried to relate the Gospel message to strangers Ive approached, I feel like I could have been more productive. (Not to say Christ didn't use my silly, confusing words to plant a seed anyways.) 

"..but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.." 1 Peter 3:15 ESV

Too much love,

Monday, March 11, 2013

You Cant Switch Step #1 With Step #2. Ever.

*This is 99% taken straight from the pages of my journal.

   I feel like I just found out the most valuable piece of wisdom I have ever understood in my life- this one is seriously a life changer!!

   In focusing on my failures, in taking my eyes off of Christ, I end up trying to fix my hurts and failures myself- In turn, failing even harder. Which leads to self condemnation... and then Im just digging the biggest hole because there is no strength in me that can heal my own heart. When I just focus on Christ, dwelling with Him, in realtions with Him, He does the rest. If I am truly seeking him with a thirsty heart, a "poor spirit" as Matthew 5:3 puts it, He fills me with love and every other good spiritual fruit. He grows me, prunes me, heals me, and strengthens my faith in Him. The more I love Jesus is the more I hate sin, that's a fact. 
   It can never work the other way around. When I try, and have greatly tried in the past, and will probably do again in the future, to switch out Step one (love God), and make it to be step two, and vise versa, I have and will always fail. I don't start to hate my sin- and then the more I do that- begin to love Jesus. That "formula" is actually IMPOSSIBLE according to the truths of the Scripture. Romans 3:10-11:

"as it is written:
“None is righteous, no, not one;
 No one understands;
 No one seeks for God.""

   We cannot even love or please Jesus apart from Him giving us a heart for Him! There is no way to reverse these "steps". (And I use these words lightly because this isn't a self help book Im writing here.) I'm just wanting to share what the Lord has revealed to me: Stop trying to clean up your life and heal your own heart. If you could, If I could, we wouldn't need the Great Physician to start with.  
   God is most glorified and pleased when we are most satisfied in Him. He takes the rest from there. In our still moments alone with our Saviour, pouring out our hearts and reaching out to know more of Him, is where He comes in and refines us. We focus on Him as He refines us, never refining ourselves in order to focus more on Christ. That's where false religion, pride, and a false heart for God is created. 

Too much love,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chicago: who what when where and why.

     So many people have been asking me about my recent time in Chicago. Why is it Im moving and what my plans are. For those outside of Houston, the first thing to know is that the Houston Christian Hip Hop community is very large and involved with one another; a person moving is like losing a team member. Well this team member wants to assure her team mates that this is totally a Jesus thing, and that we're definitely still on the same team, with the same mission! Christ is moving me into a new season of flourishing/maturing in Him and serving Him, with Chicago on the agenda... 
     I had been praying for a new, biblical, Jesus centered Church home for a while.. Then BOOM! one find me! World Renegade is a rather new, year old church of young adults with their hearts on fire for the mission of Christ! Biblical community is definitely something this church (meaning the body of believers, not the building itself) has down, and is continuously growing in. True discipleship is at the forefront of this group of believer's agenda. 
     To add a completely perfect twist, WR is a very "artsy" group of young men and women. Everyone in some way has an amazing artsy talent. Rapping, singing, deejaying, filming, editing, media, production, dancing, etc. Which they plan on capitalizing their talent for outreach and discipleship making. Not only do I fit in perfect in that way, but the Lord has opened the hearts of the people there, and mine, to just genuinely love one another in such a short time. Starting over email and voxing until they were throwing me a surprise welcome party! 
     I visited for a week to further acquire confirmation from the Lord that this is what He desires for this next season of my life. Through much prayer and seeking the Lord over a period of 3 months, me, the pastor, Adriel Cruz, and his lovely wife, Vanessa Cruz, are at peace that this is what the Lord wills for my life. Why He felt I needed to go across the country, well, He is a mysterious God. All I know is I feel more at home and at peace in Chicago then anywhere I have been or visited. Jesus knew what He was doing with this one!
     Lastly, the least of the reasons, more like a bonus, is I have different opportunities to do some music in Chicago, to further grow as an artist and make music for His name's sake. So soon enough, as the Lord's timing unfolds, music is something I will also be working on in Chi-town as well.

     Again, friends and those I consider family in Houston, Jesus' plans are perfect when you seek His will and know exactly what they are for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) Please pray with me as I make such a drastic change. Pray for growth and not my will but His to be done! I'll be back for visits and you can always keep up with me on Facebook! ;) Facebook.com/itshillaryjane

I love ya'll,